28 March 2024, Yerevan

Welcoming the special resolution on the relations between the European Union and Armenia, adopted by the European Parliament with 504 votes in favor on March 13 of this year, which calls on the European Commission to strengthen and establish closer relations between Armenia and the European Union and to consider the possibility of granting Armenia the status of a candidate for EU membership;

Noting that the European aspirations of the Armenian people are firmer today than ever;

Welcoming the steps taken by the authorities of the Republic of Armenia towards strengthening Armenia’s sovereignty, reducing the threat-laden dependence on Russia, and towards European integration, in particular, the ratification of the Rome Statute, the invitation of the EU civilian mission to Armenia and the decision to extend its mandate for another two years starting 2025, the official request to Moscow to withdraw Russian border guards from Zvartnots International Airport, the de facto freezing of relations with the CSTO and the intention of de jure withdrawal from that organization, and deepening military-technical and political cooperation with EU countries, including France and Greece, as well as the USA, India, Great Britain, and Canada;

Continuing to believe that the strengthening of democracy and the realization of human rights and freedoms, economic development, and preservation of cultural identity in Armenia and the entire region, are possible within the European family, and security and peace are possible within the military-political alliance of the Euro-Atlantic civilization,

We, the representatives of Armenian civil society and democratic political forces representing the opposition:

1. Urge the authorities of the Republic of Armenia to announce their withdrawal from the CSTO, EAEU, and CIS without delay and to officially apply to the European Union to become a full EU member, as well as to start negotiations to deepen the integration in the Euro-Atlantic security systems;

2. Reaffirm our position to support the RA authorities’ policy of Armenia’s integration into the European Union, under the condition of consistent adherence to the values and legal practices of the European Union;

3. Taking into account that corruption, impunity, violations of fundamental human rights, and the not yet well-established justice are among the main obstacles to European and Euro-Atlantic integration, we demand a strengthening fight against corruption and impunity at all possible levels, ensuring enthusiastic protection of fundamental human rights, radically reforming the judicial system, by refraining from making fragmented and incomplete changes in those areas;

4. Condemn any attempt at unconstitutional change of government, overthrowing democracy, opposing Armenia to democratic countries in the international arena, and subverting the process of Armenia’s European integration;

5. Reaffirm our commitment to formulate, express, and promote public demand for integration of Armenia into the European and Euro-Atlantic security-political, economic, and other systems;

6. Urge EU public institutions and civil society to be consistent, supportive, and finicky in order to implement Armenia’s European integration in the most interest-based way possible.

1. Armenian National Platform of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum,
2. EU-Armenia (CEPA) Civil Society Platform,
3. Hanrapetutyun (Republic) Party,
4. «Rally for the Republic» party,
5. European party,
6. Conservative Party,
7. Azat Arshakyan, former dissident, member of the first Parliament of RA,
8. Hovsep Khurshudyan, Chairman, “Free Citizen” Civic Initiatives Support Center,
9. Bardugh Galstyan, Chairman, Artsakh Ramkavar-Azatakan Party ,
10. Artur Sakunts, Chairman, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor Office,
11. Styopa Safaryan, Director, Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs,
12. Davit Stepanyan, associate expert of the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs,
13. Levon Barseghyan, President, of the Journalists’ Club Asparez,
14. Daniel Ioannisyan, Programs Coordinator, Union of Informed Citizens,
15. Ruben Mehrabyan, Vice President, «Rally for the Republic» party,
16. Garegin Miskaryan, President, “Democratic Platform” Foundation,
17. Arnold Bleyan, Director, Armenian Center for Democracy and Security Issues,
18. “Public Control” NGO,
19. Rafik Hakobyan, YSU professor,
20. Hrachya Arzumanyan, Ph.D., Expert in National Security and Military Strategy,
21. Harut Kalaijyan, President, Pro-Armenia NGO,
22. Van Aharonyan, member, of the “Nemesis” Union,
23. Narine Abgaryan, writer,
24. Ruben Babayan, film director,
25. Hrant Vardanyan, film director,
26. Lernik Dallakyan, translator,
27. Hayk Hovakimyan, public figure, author of the Repat Riarch channel,
28. Edgar Arakelyan, President of “Platform” NGO,
29. leg Dulgarian, President of “Center for Community Integration and Support” NGO, human rights defender,
30. Kamo Asatryan, Lawyer, President of National Center for Legal Research NGO,
31. Sos Khachikyan, Head of the Department of Macroeconomics of ASEU, co-founder of “European Research Agency” Foundation,
32. Gayane Arakelyan, journalist,
33. Harutyun Mkrtchyan, political scientist,
34. Lilit Epremyan, musicologist, journalist, psychologist,
35. Artur Amirkhanyan, law student,
36. Zhirayr Raisyan, individual entrepreneur,
37. Mher Karagozyan, RA citizen,
38. Gevorg Raisyan, Young European Ambassador,
39. Vazrik Petrosyan, RA citizen,
40. Lusine Petrosyan, RA citizen,
41. Hasmik Tadevosyan, RA citizen, historian,
42. Zinaida Karapetyan, RA citizen, economist,
43. Ara Danielyan, RA citizen, business consultant
44. Ashot Hovsepyan, candidate of technical sciences,
45. Astghik Hovhannisyan, founder of NGO Shiroyan Jewelry School,
46. Shoghik Arustamyan, RA citizen
47. Raffi Papazyan, President of the Armenian movement in France,
48․ Gevorg Harutyunyan, software engeenier, candidate for physics and mathematics,
49. Siranush Safaryan, RA citizen, lecturer,
50. Armen Chibukhchyan, blogger, analyst
51. United Communist Party of Armenia (with reservation: replacing the word “immediately” with the phrase “within a short time”)