Workshop on LSG in Hrazdan, Kotayq region


in the Hrazdan sub-region of the Kotayk region

23 February 2020

“Free Citizen” Civic Initiatives Support Center, with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, is continuing the implementation of the project “V4 for Youth engagement in self-governance”. On February 23, 2020, “Free Citizen” CISC organized a workshop for the local youth in the framework of the Project in the city of Hrazdan, Kotayk marz of Armenia. This is the thirteenth of the 17 workshops, which are planned to organize in Armenia in the framework of the Project “V4 for Youth Engagement in the Local Self-Governance”. The workshop was aimed to strengthen young civic activists’ capacities on engagement with local self-governance, as well as raise awareness among participants about the European Union, Council of Europe, Eastern Partnership, and Visegrad 4 format. 19  young civic activists from the Hrazdan sub-region of the Kotayk region, age from 18 to 30 years old, who are interested in their communities’ issues participated in the workshop.

During the event it was also discussed the following issues, which have been identified by the participants as more relevant for the Youth of their communities:

  • Roads and transport issues;
  • Low level of Youth engagement with LSG;
  • Unemployment;
  • The problem of effective professional career orientation for university and college applicants- based on market needs.

Representatives of the regional LSG – Armen Ayvazian, senior specialist of the Hrazdan City Hall Department on Education, Culture, and Sport, social worker, and Vanuhi Bareghamyan, Hrazdan City Hall responsible person for Community development programs, met with youngsters, answered their questions and share with their experience in Local Self-Government.

The Agenda of the workshop is here.


The partners of the Project are GLOBSEC (Slovakia), SALTO Youth Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource (Poland), AGORA CE (Czech Republic), Budapest Institute for Policy Analysis (Hungary), Union of Communities of Armenia (Armenia).