A pilot course dedicated to critical thinking in Hartagiugh


4 pilot courses of critical thinking were organized in the regions of RA: in Hartagigh community of Lori region, Gyumri city of Shirak region, Ashtarak city of Aragatsotn region, Armavir city of Armavir region.


June 15, 2019, Hartagiugh High School

“Free Citizen” Cvic Initiatives Support Center NGO, with support of the “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” program, held a seminar on “Critical thinking” with schoolchildren of the Hartagiugh community of Lori region within the framework of the “For the sake of overcoming radicalization, xenophobia and hate speech among the Armenian youth” program. The discussion took place in Hartagiugh High School. The course was conducted by Levon Harutyunyan, an expert from the “Free Citizen” NGO. 16 students participated in the event. During the course, students received information about critical thinking through interactive methods.

In addition to the interactive methods, community problems were raised and the students, dividing into groups, were tasked with using the theoretical knowledge gained from critical thinking to construct their speech in an argumentative manner and to present the problem facing the community and propose solutions in 5 minutes. Afterwards, there was a question and answer session during which misunderstood parts were clarified and there was an exchange of ideas related to critical thinking.

The “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” program is implemented with the financial support of the European Union

With the consortium under the leadership of “Armenian Association of Lawyers” NGO.

“Free Citizen” Civic Initiatives Support Center news service