Armenian Delegation Visits Kyiv to Strengthen Ties with Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine – May 27, 2024 – A two-day visit by a delegation of Armenian experts to Kyiv focused on strengthening relations between Armenia and Ukraine in a challenging geopolitical climate.
Organized by the NV Media Holding, the “Free Citizen” Civic Initiatives Support Center, and the Armenian Embassy in Ukraine, the visit included a roundtable discussion, media appearances, and meetings with officials and business leaders.
Roundtable Discussion on Regional Cooperation
The roundtable brought together Armenian and Ukrainian experts to discuss strengthening multi-layered relations between the two countries. Participants emphasized the importance of:
* Recognizing and pursuing mutual interests
* Revitalizing bilateral contacts on various platforms
* Reloading cooperation within the Eastern Partnership framework
* Developing economic ties between Armenia and Ukraine aligned with Armenia’s European integration goals
The need for Ukraine to play a more active role in promoting regional stability in the South Caucasus was highlighted. The need for the prompt appointment of the Ukrainian Ambassador to Armenia was also noted.
Expanding Economic and Media Cooperation
The Armenian delegation visited the NV’s editorial office for media interviews and discussions on wartime journalism. They also participated in an American Chamber of Commerce reception, where they met Ukrainian government officials and business leaders.
Focus on Economic Revitalization
Meetings with the leadership of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry further explored possibilities for:
* Revitalizing economic ties between Armenia and Ukraine
* Developing logistics chains
* Branching trade routes connecting Armenia and Ukraine
The Armenian diaspora’s role in fostering economic cooperation was also discussed.
The Armenian Embassy in Ukraine hosted a concluding reception for the delegation and Ukrainian experts, solidifying the commitment to deepening Armenian-Ukrainian relations.
NV is an independent Ukrainian media holding founded in 2014 by a team of professional journalists. Today, the holding includes the NV weekly news magazine, the news website, the Radio NV nationwide talk radio station, and panel discussions.
“Free Citizen” civil initiative support center NGO was founded in 2012 by a group of like-minded citizens of the Republic of Armenia in order to contribute to the strengthening of the civil society of Armenia and provide professional support to civic initiatives. “Free Citizen” is part of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s Armenian National Platform and the Black Sea Non-Governmental Organizations’ Forum. “Free Citizen”CISC website address is, YouTube channel is